sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2007

The Death of NetworkMarketing

I just got an email about Ellie Drake's and Mike Filsaime's Free Report called - "The Death of NetworkMarketing"
I will admit, like you may also be feeling now, that I thought it was some hyped up offer to get me to buy something...
...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.
The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes that Network Marketing may be dying.
When I read this, I immediately thought of sharing it on my blog
The times are changing for us and it would be a shame for you or anyone to not read this report and fail like many will.
I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.
I recommend you take a break from whatever it is you are doing if you can and get access to this report now.

Consider your future success by going here now...
Thanks, Betina

PS - Mike and Ellie say it will only be available for a few days or so, so do not delay...

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

Earn $500, $1000 by sharing this report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We pay you $0.25 (A Quarter) for every single person that you refer to this site that enters their valid email address and creates an account. Just use ther unique tracking URL above when you invite people as that URL is specifically coded to track your earnings.

But wait... It gets even better!
We ALSO pay you $0.25 for every person on your 2nd tier.
So let's do some math if you tell just 1 person and THAT person has a big list and tells 10,000 people we pay you $0.25 for each of those 10,000 people.

Your Tier-1 Referral: 1 x $0.25 = $0.25
Your Teir-2 Referral: 10,000 x $0.25 = $2500
Your Cash Bonus: = $2500.25 (Just by telling 1 person in this example)

Now, we can not guarantee you will find someone with a list of 10,000 people. But if you start NOW, you might find some with with a little less or a little more.

And who says you only have to tell 1 person? What if you told 100 people who each to a lot of people. That could mean a whole lot of cash. When Mike Filsaime released a viral report like that last year, he paid out $18,650 do just 1 affiliate who told people about the report as soon as he heard about it. Of course, only share the report if you feel it will help people the way we do.

Sign up for free:

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2007

GENBUCKS -earn $1 per referral!


Genbucks is 100% FREE to Join
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Your visitors will love the opportunity to order from the ease of their homes, and save upto 70% over retail prices. More than 50% of them come back to re-order and you still get the credit through our unique lifetime cookie tracker.

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Which essentially means that not only do you make 20-50% of the total order value, including shipping, plus all that customers future purchases but you also make 10% of any referral earnings, from advertisers who have joined under you and also 30% of any referral earnings from advertisers who join under them! Because we pay commissions on referrals 3 levels deep!

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lunes, 13 de agosto de 2007

THEPOWEROF10 - $111,110 in 60 days $$$$$

$$$$ FREE-Step-By-Step System that shows you how to generate $111,110 in 60 days $$$$$

*Free to Join, and you get paid $1.00 Per FREE Referral, and $5.00 Per upgraded referral

*This Site Is In pre-launch until Aug 14th . It's so new that it's still under construction!

*Get paid on 5 levels!

*Just for signing up for FREE to our weekly ezine, we are going to credit your advertiser account with $100!

**Get in, and Get in Quick! This is gonna blow up!
$$$ There are less than 500 members! $$$

Sign up here for FREE:

lunes, 23 de julio de 2007


'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'for free.
Win $0.50 for every confirmed referral.

Here's what you'll discover today, inside...
-How to Write Articles That Compel Readers to Take Action!
-Learn how To use Articles to CONTINUALLY Generate Massive Search Engine TRAFFIC!
-How To Effortlessly Write Multiple Articles Per Day for Ridiculous Success
-Discover the Keys to Promoting Your Articles for Search Engine Traffic
-How to Promote Your Articles for Maximum Readership
-And Much More...
click here:

viernes, 6 de julio de 2007



Signup is FREE.
Every Paid E-mail worth 100USD
100USD for each referral on 1st. level
500USD for every each Premier member under you.
4 Referral levels of commission :
Level 1 - 10%
Level 2 - 5%
Level 3 - 4%
Level 4 - 1%



jueves, 5 de julio de 2007

TREASURE TROOPER - $2000 in free offers


Take surveys, sample products, signup for free trials, join clubs, register for credit cards and
get paid for it all. There are over $2000 in offers!
Tell your friends and receive 20% of what they earn and 5% from your second level referrals. The earning potential is unlimited!

viernes, 29 de junio de 2007

AGLOCO - get paid CASH to surf the web


Alladvantage.com was on the internet with the first free Get Paid to Surf" program using a viewbar.
In general, you downloaded a tool bar, surfed, and got paid.
It was free and by introducing others, you would get paid on their surfing as well.
It worked VERY well but the company got caught in the dotcom crash of 2000-2001 when advertising dollars dropped thru the floor.
However, consider this:
- Within 6 months they were one of the TOP 20 Most Visited Websites,
- They grew to over 10 million members online,
- They paid out over $10,000,000 dollars to members.

Alladvantage was incredibly VIRAL.

Forward to 2007...AGLOCO will be the same.

You do not want to hesitate on this! Whenever you are online, either surfing, blogging, clicking on an ad, making a purchase, all the money generated by members' activities will be shared among its' members, 5 levels deep.

Joining is FREE

The Members are the Owners

"Members will NEVER have to pay anything"
Join now, click here:

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2007

AGLOCO - version en Español

Quería hablar de AGLOCO, una red económica en Internet lanzada hace sólo unos días. AGLOCO nos devuelve como Miembros parte del dinero que generamos como usuarios de Internet: su eslogan es “Consigue tu parte de Internet”.Además, están repartiendo la compañía en su totalidad entre sus Miembros, porque se trata de una firma propiedad al 100% de sus usuarios. Puedes conseguir dinero en efectivo y acciones si refieres a nuevos Miembros que es una de las razones por las que estoy enviando esto.

La suscripción a AGLOCO es completamente gratis. Entre los fundadores hay estudiantes de Stanford y también la pareja que lanzó AllAdvantage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AllAdvantage en 1999, la cual logró millones de usuarios y repartió entre ellos más de 100 millones de dólares. Así que hay probabilidades de que esto funcione ahora… Lo mejor de todo es que no hay nada que los usuarios podamos perder, porque todo lo que hacemos es registrarnos gratis, invitar a otros amigos a que se registren, y seguir usando Internet como siempre tras instalarse el Viewbar (una aplicación gratis tipo barra de herramientas), con solo usar internet con esabarra activa se van acumulando horas por mes y depende cuantos amigos hagasque se registren vas adquiriendo acciones y dinero en efectivo por mes, sí con sólousar internet durante algunas horas (max. 5 hs) en forma activa.Esa barra activa mientras navegas va mostrando promociones y ofertas de empresasasociadas con AGLOCO, estas empresas le pagan a AGLOCO por dejar difundir sus productos y AGLOCO te paga a vos por difundirlos mientras navegas.

Así que haz clic aquí: http://www.agloco.com/r/BBBH4061 y registrate ahora. Este enlace te considerará automáticamente como miembro al que yo he referido (si no funciona, usa mi identificador BBBH4061). Una vez que te registres, deberías echar un vistazo a http://poseeinternet.blogspot.com/ para encontrar ideas muy útiles sobre cómo hacer crecer rápidamente tu red de contactos. No te lo pierdas, es gratis y no pierdes nada contacta a tus amigos, conocidos y no conocidos para formar una red gigante.(la planilla de inscripción esta en ingles, cualquier duda contáctame a bedesignt@gmail.com o bedesign_22@yahoo.com.ar).